Property in Alanya | +90 242 514 21 38

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Interesting information, news and useful tips about Alanya, Turkey

Turkish electricity generation has tripled to 96,000 megawatts in the last 18 years. Today 63 percent of electricity comes from domestic resources. 51.7 percent of this is from renewable energy sources. Turkey’s geothermal power generation was only 18 megawatts in 2002. Turkey now reached 1,613 megawatts. This puts the country in first place in Europe […]

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Millions of passengers pass through Antalya Airport every year – so it’s only natural that something gets lost. Last year, 3,372 objects were collected in the “Lost and Found” of the airport and are waiting here for their owners to pick them up after all. Including one or the other curiosity. For example, someone lost […]

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We would like to remind you that you have to pay taxes on your vehicle and tax on your property. You should pay the property tax in person to the tax office (Vergi Dairesi) in Alanya, the vehicle tax can also be paid via online banking. Property tax is due by May 21, 2021. Of […]

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No more waiting for a processing time for a money transfer (EFT) between different banks. The Central Bank of the Republic of Turkey (CBRT) announced that it has completed its preparations to open a new payment system. This new system called “FAST” emphasized that citizens can transfer funds between accounts at different banks within seconds, […]

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Dear customers & interested parties, I remember as if it were yesterday when I wrote to you last year full of hope and enthusiasm about how great & magical the year 2020 will be for all of us. But the future brought something completely different. The year 2020 hit us all quite hard. It was […]

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It is now mandatory to have a special 10-digit address code for all apartments in Turkey. How to find your address code via the link shown: https://adres.nvi.gov.tr/VatandasIslemleri/AdresSorgu The application is easy to use, click the attached link, fill in your details from the drop down menus and make a note or take a photo / […]

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For our dear customers who have purchased a property from us and who have a service contract with us: We would like to remind you briefly to check your Turkish Lira account to ensure that there is enough credit for the automatic debits. Sometimes it happens that you forget to transfer money. Please also check […]

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We would like to remind you that you have to pay taxes on your vehicle and property tax on your property. You should pay the property tax in person to the tax office (Vergi Dairesi) in Alanya, the vehicle tax can also be paid via online banking. Property tax is due by May 21, 2021. […]

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Due to the coronavirus pandemic, the airlines and tourism industries have suffered enormous losses. A new step is now to be taken to revive the sector in the Covid-19 process. In the future, trips should be carried out with a “health passport”. The International Air Transport Association (IATA) is preparing the introduction of the digital […]

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