Dear customers,
the favorite month of many is finally back, or is just around the corner.
We are happy and of course many customers who have their second home here are finally able to really enjoy it again.
This month was of course very exhausting for many, as it was for me. Now, of course, the better times are coming and of course we hope, despite the Covid pandemic, that we can still welcome some guests. Even if Turkey, or our region, is without a travel warning, due to the exhausting regulations this is of course a deterrent for many customers and therefore many do not want to come.
But we also have a lot of customers who also want to support the small businesses here, including the small pubs and markets that are really not doing well here and we are of course very happy about that.
Of course we would like to emphasize once again that everything is in safe hands in Alanya, the rules are respected here and everything is under control. So it’s no different from another country. You should of course pay attention to the rules, such as distance, mask and hygiene. We hope that these times will soon be over and that we will soon be able to hug each other again!
Stay healthy and safe!
Together with my dear team, I hope you have a good time and enjoy reading this news!